The Rape of LaBelle

SKU: Nd103842 Category: Tag:


Author: Hahn, Harry
Publisher: Frank Glenn
Place: Kansas City
Cover: hardback in original cloth
Condition: Nice copy
Category: Art & Design
Year: 1946
Edition: 1st edition
Size: octavo
Description: xxviii + 274pp., b/w plates, bibliog., index, This book explores boldly into a racket which has been well protected by the critical and buying habits of American universities, museums, foundations and by the vanities of men in high social places; examines the authenticity of “La Belle Ferronnierre” or “The Lady In The Red Dress” painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Was it real or a fake? He also looks at Sir Joseph Duveen and his art firm and the immense power they held in the art community

SKU: Nd103842 Category: Tag: